Encyclopaedia Mundi


This newly commissioned work by Tony Kemplen pushes the boundaries of language, translation and classification. Encyclopaedia Mundi is a unique collection of objects specially selected for analysis and classification by Kemplen, through his trawling of local charity shops for disregarded treasures (Lancaster, Derby, Leeds). In this work he reflects upon the tradition of the Wunderkammer, or Cabinet of Curiosity and explores the contemporary connotations of its medieval systems of classification and interpretation.

The collected objects form an interactive installation in, their images captured with a CCTV camera, become the starting points for a series of software processes. The objects are analysed and endlessly reprocessed by sonification, speech recognition and imaging programmes. Each process draws upon the immense collection of information in the Encyclopaedia Mundi database and on the internet.

Tony Kemplen is a Sheffield based artist. Recent commissions include ‘The End’ for Site Gallery, Sheffield and ‘Polyglot’ for Ikon Gallery, Birmingham. His work deals with themes of language and translation, often explored through imperfections and glitches in technology.

Encyclopaedia Mundi is commissioned by Pavilion, in partnership with Folly and Q Arts. It is funded through the Arts Council of England National Touring Programme.

For more information contact Pavilion on 0113 243 1749 or email admin@pavilion.org.uk